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 RHCSA Rapid Track

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

الجنس : ذكر عدد المساهمات : 8
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/09/2014
العمر : 34

RHCSA Rapid Track Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: RHCSA Rapid Track   RHCSA Rapid Track Emptyالأربعاء أكتوبر 01, 2014 5:10 pm


Red Hat training for experienced Linux system engineers

Experienced Linux system administrators have an opportunity to hone their skills; get an edge on the latest technology and prepare for the challenges and responsibilities ahead. Accredited RHCSA certification could prove to be big leap in career.

Want to enhance your technical skills but don’t know how?

Engineers working on Linux system often worry about their growth and career options. Red Hat is continuously raising the bar for system administrators but also it is providing an opportunity to the professionals to enhance their skills.

RHCSA Track would take you a step ahead; would keep you a ladder up and would give you the confidence needed to take new responsibilities.

This short term course would enhance your skills and an experienced Linux system administrator like you can easily meet the basic requirements needed to take admission in the course. Experience in Linux system is required as it is an advance level course.

Course Contents

• Get Started with the GNOME Graphical Desktop
• Manage Files Graphically with Nautilus
• Get Help in a Graphical Environment
• Configure Local Services
• Manage Physical Storage I
• Manage Logical Volumes
• Monitor System Resources
• Manage System Software
• Get Started with Bash
• Get Help in a Textual Environment
• Establish Network Connectivity
• Administer Users and Groups
• Manage Files from the Command Line
• Secure Linux File Access
• Administer Remote Systems
• Configure General Services
• Manage Physical Storage II
• Install Linux Graphically
• Manage Virtual Machines
• Control the Boot Process
• Deploy File Sharing Services
• Secure Network Services
• Comprehensive Review
• Automated Installations of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
• Accessing the Command Line
• Intermediate Command Line Tools
• Regular Expressions, Pipelines, and I/O Redirection
• Network Configuration and Troubleshooting
• Managing Simple Partitions and Filesystems
• Managing Flexible Storage with the Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
• Access Network File Sharing Services; NFS and CIFS
• Managing User Accounts
• Network User Accounts with LDAP
• Controlling Access to Files
• Managing SELinux
• Installing and Managing Software
• Managing Installed Services
• Analyzing and Storing Logs
• Managing Processes
• Tuning and Maintaining the Kernel
• System Recovery Techniques

Above mentioned are the important topics covered under the course and it is evident that you need some hands-on experience on these topics only then you would be able to understand the course contents. Interaction with experienced tutors and prior experience on Linux system would help you get mastery over the latest technology.

Linux platform

It is preferred over its counterparts as it provides full-proof security but the greatest advantage of this platform is its open source nature. It makes a nice platform for application and systems. Network engineer rely on Linux for successful operation of systems.

Network engineers are expected to come with Red Hat certification and certificate should come from an accredited school. We provide RHCSA course for experienced engineers. The course is designed to help engineers get mastery over the advance level Linux system.

Join the course to take your career as a system administrator and network engineer to next level. Take a long jump to touch the highest level in your career and also get the confidence to take new challenges and responsibilities.

RHCSA Rapid Track - Take admission

We provide this course to experienced Linux system administrators. We provide comprehensive theory and practical training for the course. Soon you would get Red Hat certification that would another gem on your CV. The certification would add another feather on your colorful cap and give your career needed boost.
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RHCSA Rapid Track
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